Artificial Intelligence for Business
10 – 11 Apr, 2024
Garcavenco Vladimir
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. GRCVLD2024
Renița Radu
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. RNTRDU2024
Babenco Vadim
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. BBCVDM2024
Ștefaneț Viorel
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. STFVRL2024
Ratseev Serghei
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. RTVSRG2024
Bunciuc Natalia
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. BNCNTL2024
Lisevici Dan
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. LSVDAN2024
Smîcec Ecaterina
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. SMCECT2024
Cazacu Daniel
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. CZCDNL2024
Ciobanu Petru
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (10 – 11 Apr, 2024)

Certificate No. CBNPTR2024