SYSTEM THINKING training program
Feb 20 – Apr 16, 2024
Vicol Carmina
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. VCLCRM200216042024
Maican Angela
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. MCNANG200216042024
Leliuh Irina
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. LLHIRN200216042024
Mocanu Elena
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. MCNELN200216042024
Rusu Liliana
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. RSULIL200216042024
Bulat Mihai
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. BLTMIH200216042024
Cojocaru Ghenadii
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. CJCGHE200216042024
Oboroaca Natalia
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. OBRNAT200216042024
Jora Sorin
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. JRASOR200216042024
Bejenar Eugeniu
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. BJNEUG200216042024
Radu Eugenia
RIs hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. RDUEUG200216042024
Rusu Octavian
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. RSUOCT200216042024
Bivol Andrei
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. BVLAND200216042024
Filip Iulian
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. FLPIUL6042024
Klemionova Irina
Is hereby recognized for successful completion
of SYSTEM THINKING training program (20.02 – 16.04, 2024)

Certificate No. KLMIRN200216042024