Baltaga Dan; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. BLTDGN0912JUN2024
Bogdan Levin; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. BGDLVN0912JUN2024
Burduja Aliona; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. BRDLNJ0912JUN2024
Crivceanschi Valeriu; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. CRVCLV0912JUN2024
Gonciarov Maxim; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. GNCMXM0912JUN2024
Greadcenco Calin; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. GRDCNL0912JUN2024
Griniov Iurii; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. GRNVRR0912JUN2024
Igori Ilcovici-Hodus; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. GRILCH0912JUN2024
Ionela Morosan; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. NLMRSN0912JUN2024
Jorin Igor; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. JRNGRR0912JUN2024
Mihail Bacus; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. MHLBCS0912JUN2024
Sciuca Andrei; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. SCCNDR0912JUN2024
Scutari Irina; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. SCTRNR0912JUN2024
Serghei Daradur; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. SRGDRD0912JUN2024
Serghei Sergiu; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. SRGSRG0912JUN2024
Smirnov Alexandr; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. SMRLDX0912JUN2024
Stoianov Oleg; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. STNLGL0912JUN2024
Vadim Lungul; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. VDLNGL0912JUN2024
Veaceslav Bragari; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. VCSBRG0912JUN2024
Victor Lukashov; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. VCTLKS0912JUN2024
Victor Petcov; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. VCTPTC0912JUN2024
Vladimir Novikov; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. VLDRNV0912JUN2024
Elena Navrotkaia; Is hereby recognized for successful completion of Artificial Intelligence for Business program (June 09 – 12, 2024) Certificate No. LNNVRT0912JUN2024